Monday, 31 December 2012

cape breton pervert

My ex. He groped everyone he could at the gay bar. I introduced him to the world of gay, for when he left his daughters fat mother, he say he never cheated. But a week before our 1yr anniversary, he cheated on me with his friend, a straight friend, matthew skinner. Sucked his dick. And I stayed. Took me 2 yrs to blow up and end it. He wanted to have sex with his daughters english boyfriend. Tried to get the 18 yr old drunk. did i mention alvin is 46yrs old? I put up with his lies and games and let him control me. He made fun of me to his family and laughed at me, a faggot queer bitch. He sat at my friends house while on vacation with me and talked about sucking some crazy fag. He wanted to do anyone he wanted. Even his own nephews. Dale. And Brandon. He told his nephew dale he wants to suck him off, got him to piss with him, to see his dick. He grabbed his 2osomething nephew's ass, and masturbates over sex with his young male family.
A mean sex obsessed pervert.